Terms of Use

Agent Program

CambodiaPhoneCard.us Agent Program is designed to give anyone the opportunity to generate a hefty percentage from all sales of our calling cards.

Recharge of any Agent's customers will also earn that Agent the commission.

CambodiaPhoneCard.us believes in a long-term relationship that will give our Agents access to valued customers they generate with some of the highest lifetime commissions in the industry. Our Agents do not require any equipment to get started.

CambodiaPhoneCard.us also provides an easy and free set up and anyone can start making money right away!!!!
Partner Program

CambodiaPhoneCard.us offers you a great opportunity to be your own boss and become a major long distance telecommunication provider. We will provide you all the necessary tools and back office support to get you started in with minimal capital required. To make sure that you take full advantage of our Partner Program, we will provide training on our products and ensure that all the information that you need concerning your new venture is readily available.

CambodiaPhoneCard.us Partner Program provides you with 24/7 online reports and all the details you need to have total control over your business. We provide superior quality in telecommunication and offer a wide range of equipment so you can decide the depth of your business.
Contact Details

If you would like to get started on CambodiaPhoneCard.us Agent or Partner program or get more details do not hesitate to call us or send us an e-mail.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Phone: 408-200-7820
e-mail: tyler@dateksystems.com